Ode To Freedom

Ode To Freedom

Lời bài hát Ode To Freedom

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If I ever write my
Ode to Freedom
It will be in prose
That chimes with me
It would be a simple
Ode to Freedom
Not pretentious but with dignity
I would like to think
That freedom is
More than just a word
In grand and lofty language
Odes to Freedom
Often go unheard
If I ever wrote my
Ode to Freedom
Being privileged and spoilt for choice
Then I fear that you would
Be suspicious
Of the cause to
Which I'd lend my voice
It's elusive and it's hard to hold
It's a fleeting thing
That's why there is no
Ode to Freedom
Truly worth remembering
I wish someone would write an
Ode to Freedom
That we all could sing