Ligne 3

Ligne 3

Lời bài hát Ligne 3

Đóng góp bởi

All the letters that I wrote
All the pictures that I took
Every ticket
Every ticket
Light fills the room with heat
But my cold words freeze the scene
Every ticket
Every ticket
Turn away to face the balcony
Turn the corner to uncertainty
From the beginning
To the last minute
It's not easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
Easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
It's not easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
Easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
It's not easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
Easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
It's not easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
Easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
Letters scattered on the floor
Pictures thrown against the wall
Like I had an option
Too far to lose someone
Think about you every day
All the complex things you would say
To smooth the edges
And bring me down a few places
It's not easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
Easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
It's not easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
Easy letting go
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
I tried to make it work
You know I tried to go the distance
For the times you never heard
I'd be screaming in the silence
You just sink into the solitude
I tried to lift us up
I can't carry both of us
I tried to make it work
I tried to make it work
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
For the times you never heard
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
You just sink into the solitude
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
I can't carry both of us
It's not that simple
Somebody you love
You know I tried to go the distance
I'd be screaming in the silence
I tried to lift us up
I tried to make it work